Preached on June 14, 2009 at First Congregational Church of Tallmadge, OH, UCC
Mark 4:26-34
Dedicated to my creative writing professor, whose name I am sorry to have forgotten; and always to the glory of God.
As I think back on my life, and how it is that I came to be standing in this place, I know that there were many people who planted seeds along the way, not knowing what they would grow into, or even if they would grow into anything at all. I think about the person who, when I was three years old and beginning at a preschool located in a church we had never heard of, invited my parents to attend worship there. It became our church home, and that brought me into contact with the people and experiences that would lead me to be confirmed, ordained, and married in that sanctuary. That’s one seed.
I also remember my English professor in college, whom I happened to run into one day at the sinks in the English building’s bathroom, where we stood and talked for about ten minutes about my progress in Creative Writing. His affirming and honest encouragement about my work made me realize that I was capable of more than I had thought. He has no idea of the confidence he gave me to pursue seminary upon my graduation.
Those are two people who touched my life at a decisive time. There are many more, and of course there are many people who had a much larger and extended influence in my life. But I think about those small encounters when I hear these parables of Jesus about seeds. They remind me of the people who affected my life in a significant way. And I am certain that what has grown in my life because of them is more than they ever imagined. That’s the wonderful thing about the image of planting seeds. The thing it calls for and celebrates is our action at a decisive moment. We just scatter seed, and the growth can be astounding.
Jesus says that the kingdom of God is like this. It’s like someone who scatters seed which grows on its own, without our even knowing how. We can trust God to make the seed, and we can trust God with the growth. All we are asked to do is to scatter the seed we have as widely and as generously as we can. And thank God for that, because when we forget that this is how it works, we get into trouble. When we forget, we get into at least two kinds of trouble, and you see where I’m going.
The first kind of trouble we get into by forgetting that the kingdom of God is like the growth of scattered seed is to imagine that it’s all up to us. It’s up to us to make everything work; we are self-reliant, independent, and responsible. The trouble is that when you’re doing all the work to be independently self-reliant, convinced that you can fix everything on your own (or convinced that you should be able to fix everything on your own), when we do that, then there’s no room to discover our divine dependence, our reliance on God and on each other. I wonder if this is why Jesus said that the poor in spirit receive the kingdom of heaven, because everyone else thinks that we can create the kingdom on our own. The poor in spirit are the only ones who know better.
It’s a wonderful thing to be successful, to achieve your goals, but the trouble is that those who are successful at achieving can be unsuccessful at receiving. When Jesus said that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, it was because the rich man who had achieved so much had trouble receiving the kingdom of God the only way that we can, as a free gift.
It is all too easy for good, responsible people who are filled with love for the world to find themselves holding the longest to-do list in the world. This parable reminds us that there is a balance between taking and letting go responsibility. It’s good to be responsible, and good that we have so many responsible people here, but let’s be sure to remember which part is our responsibility: scattering seeds. We are called to invite people to come to worship and join us for a meal, to work beside us on a mission tour or board, but it is not our job to make them accept the invitation. We are called to be friendly and welcoming and reach out to people we don’t know, but it is not our job to make them like us, or even to make them like God. We are called to serve people at times of funerals, for weddings and baptisms, to provide food and support, but it is not our job to do their work of grieving, or seeking, or committing to a new way of life.
As a part of a family, you are responsible for how you treat your parents, children, or siblings, but the growth of compassion, forgiveness, and patience in the rest of your family is up to them and to God. The same goes for your neighborhood, your country, and the world. What would happen if our nation based our relationships with others based on who we want to be, instead of responding in kind to how we are treated? All that you’re responsible for is your own seed to scatter, to give generously, and then to turn over to God the mysterious growth that happens whether we understand it or not. We get into trouble when we think that everything is up to us.
The second danger of forgetting about how the seed grows is the discouragement and cynicism that says nothing we do makes a difference. You know this feeling. It seems like I work and work, and nothing seems to be getting better or easier. When we don’t see the results, when we don’t see our work coming to fruition, we begin to think that nothing is making a difference. It may be that Jesus told these parables because the disciples were starting to get cynical. “Jesus, you keep saying the kingdom of God is at hand, but everything looks the same to us. The Roman empire still oppresses, the poor are still poor, you healed the sick in a couple towns, but you’ve barely made a dent in illness, and half your family still thinks you’re crazy.” So Jesus tells them that the kingdom is not like fireworks going off – it doesn’t happen in a bright, wondrous moment; it’s like a seed. Have some patience, some trust. Have some some faith. That’s what seeds are about, sometimes they’re growing even when we can’t see anything at all.
There’s another, better known parable about sowing seeds, in which a farmer scatters seed and some falls on rocky ground, some among the thorny weeds, and some along the path where birds eat them. The only place the seeds grow is in the good soil. So when we scatter seed, it grows in one place out of four. That’s a 25% success rate, and Jesus tells us that it’s enough. And just when the disciples are scratching their heads about this inefficiency, Jesus tells them that the seed in the good soil produces returns of 30, 60, and 90 fold. We’ve got to trust the kingdom, even when it seems like nothing is happening.
Who has scattered seed in your lives? Who has shown you, in some small way, that you are valuable? That you are accepted? That you have something to offer? In other words, who has shown you that God’s love is so great that God loves everyone in this room just as much as if you were the only person on earth to love?
Once, when Mr. Rogers was being honored for his work in television, he asked the same kind of question. You all remember Mr. Rogers, don’t you? He was the one who found a way to preach the gospel every day on his television show for children, when he would walk into his house singing about neighbors, take off his jacket and shoes and put on a cardigan and shoes more suitable for being at home (at wouldn’t it be great if we all did this?), and then he would look right at each child sitting at home and say “I like you, just the way you are.” Unconditional love – that’s the gospel. Well, he was being honored at one of these shows where the theater is filled with celebrities and the movers and shakers. And when he walked on stage to make his speech, he said that there were many people who had helped him along the way. And then he said “I bet that each of you can think of someone special who was very important to you. Let’s all take ten seconds to think about that person.” And then, with a smile, he said “I’ll watch the time,” and this televised broadcast went silent for ten seconds. Ten seconds is a long time on the air. Anyone else would think it was a waste. But no one was going to tell Mr. Rogers he couldn’t do it. As the seconds ticked by, there were moist eyes and tears all through the audience in the theater, and probably at home.
Now, since we can all think about people who made a difference, who made our lives and the world a brighter place, even when their actions were very small, how does that affect the way we think about what we can do? What are the ways that you can scatter seeds of love so that the kingdom of God can keep growing?
That’s the question for us to carry out the doors today. And with that question, we can carry our trust that the kingdom of God is growing all around us. God is at work, and if we can’t always see it, or if we don’t know how it could possibly happen, that’s okay, because seeds don’t need us to know all that they are doing for them to grow, and that’s just how it is with the wondrous, mysterious presence of God.
A really good sermon, Matt. Thinking about the two dangers is a helpful extension of the parable. Thanks.
Matt - Your Mom sent this to me way back in June and I am just now reading it, and other entries on your blog. What a wonderful writer you are! It is great to be able to follow your ministry.
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